2:05 pm

Get hired by turning problems into opportunities!

Once there was this sales person from a footwear company who visited a small town A for business development. He observed that none of the people living there were wearing any footwear. He came back to company and reported, "There is no scope for us to expand our business in A. Those guys never have a habit of wearing footwear."

Later their competitor company sent a sales person to the very same town A. This salesperson came back with a bright face saying "We have a huge market in town A. These guys have never worn footwear so far."

And the difference is? One built an empire where as the other one just stood watching.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  ― Winston S. Churchill
How is this relevant during job hunt? Consider there is a situation where you come across this company which you kept track of through various sources. You finally came to a conclusion that thats exactly the work environment you were looking for. Only on the day of application, you observe that they have some glitch in their website and nothing is visible in it. All the content, images and links just looks white washed. You are trying so hard to spot the link that says "career/ job openings" but vain. Neither could you reach the contact page too.

Now you are left with only 3 choices:

Option 1. Blame yourself for your bad day and pin that website to check later if that glitch is fixed.

Option 2. Do a little research in Linkedin and find the talent acquisition incharge and reach out to them with your resume.

Option 3. Step in to help fixing it. You could go through the "view source code" option and do a little search with keywords to find the links and apply job by uploading resume on the same glitched site. To spice up things you could add a short note like: "There is a glitch in your website which makes all texts invisible. Every links and contents included. Thats what made things interesting for me. I went through your source code and got on track to submit my resume. If you are reading this, then you could have known by now that I love challenges. I would love to work with you guys in <so and so domain>. Fingers crossed."

Guess what would have earned a positive result?

"When it comes to career remember, leave no stone unturned!"

Quotes Source: Goodreads,  Image Source : Craig Smith