Its been a very long time since I read a Utopian teen novel as such and then from nowhere happened to pick this - The Selection Series. I have to be honest here. Of course its the dreamy cover that made me pick the series in first place. Seriously, can a cover get any better? It didn't let me down though.
On a one liner I could put it this way - Hunger Games minus the violent fights! That way its too much of a spoiler I guess. But for sure you will enjoy the dreamy ride and especially the parts where they describe the ball gowns ♥♥!! ( Yes I felt my eyes literally popping out ).
So, go for it if you want a glimpse of not so perfect dream that's memorable. Its OK to go back in age for a while to cherish all the teen dramas. *winks*!!
The order of the series is:
- The Selection
- The Elite
- The One
My rating - 4/5